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Andreas, London Cyclist

James Greig | April 16, 2012

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One of the inspirations for starting CycleLove was the wealth of amazing bike blogs springing up around London, not least that of Andreas Kambanis, aka the London Cyclist, who I snapped on a slightly grim ‘Spring’ day outside the Hayward Gallery on the South Bank.

What came first, cycling or blogging?
Cycling came way before blogging for me. I tried it, loved it and then wanted to know more about it. When I discovered there wasn’t really anything out there for the everyday cyclist like myself, I set it up.

What bike(s) do you ride?
I ride a Raleigh Ti frame that I built up about 8 months ago. It’s a great single speed bike that allows me to power my way around London without worrying too much about maintenance and things going wrong. Also, it looks a little old and worn so I think it makes less of a target for thieves.

The age old question: helmet or no helmet?
For me it’s a personal decision but I choose to not wear a helmet. I don’t really want to go in to it too much as I feel it’s an argument that has been heard so many times over! (Editor’s note: We agree. Take the 3,000+ responses on this LFGSS forum thread as a starting point)

What do you love most about cycling in London?
I cycle in London because I’m lazy. I don’t like walking to the tube, waiting for a train and then arriving not exactly at my destination. With the bike I can pull up right next to where I’m meeting someone and I have the freedom to make my own timetable. Plus, London is a gorgeous and fascinating city and I couldn’t imagine not seeing it everyday from the saddle.

If you were elected Mayor next month, what changes would you make to transport policy to improve life for London’s cyclist?
As Mayor, I’d force all heavy goods vehicles to have warning devices for when a cyclist is in the danger zone. Also, even though it would make me hugely unpopular, I would extend the congestion charging zone. I believe driving a car in central London is madness.

Posted to Features
by James Greig

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